Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Kumpulan Contoh Percakapan Ucapan Selamat – Expression of Congratulation

Kumpulan Contoh Expression of CongratulationTugas sekolahku kali ini adalah tugas membuat percakapan ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris (expression of congratulation). Jadi disini akan diberikan kumpulan contoh untuk tugasku tersebut.

Rekan pelajar yang membutuhkan contoh percakapan selamat hari natal, selamat ulang tahun atau ucapan selamat atas prestasi seseorang dapat mempelajarinya disini.

Selain berbagai percakapan seperti disebutkan tersebut rekan semua juga bisa melihat sebuah contoh percakapan khususnya dalam bentuk video, jadi cukup lengkap bukan contoh yang ada.

Agar lebih mudah, berbagai percakapan espression tersebut nantinya juga akan disertai dengan terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia sekaligus.

Mudah-mudahan rekan semua bisa menggunakannya untuk bahan belajar baik di sekolah maupun di rumah.

A. Percakapan Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal

Acha: Hi Syih, what are you doing here?
Syih: Hi too Acha, I just visited my friend. He lives not far from here.
Acha: Oh, umm.. btw, Merry Christmas!, Syih. Bella told me that you are celebrating Christmas also.
Syih: Ah, thanks Acha. Where is my gift then? hehe..
Acha: I haven't bought it yet, sorry.
Syih: Ah don't bother, I was just kidding. Aren't you going to introduce me to this gorgeous friend of yours?
Acha: You're such a flirt.
Syih: Hehe I can't help it..
Acha: So this is Jenny, my cousin.
Syih: Hi, nice to meet you.
Jenny: nice to meet you too.

B. Percakapan Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun

Mia: Hi Budi, what are you doing here?
Budi: Hi too Mia, I just visited my friend. He lives not far from here.
Mia: Oh, umm.. btw, belated happy birthday, Budi. Bella told me that yesterday was your birth day.
Budi: Ah, thanks Mia. Where is my gift then? hehe..
Mia: I haven't bought it yet, sorry.
Budi: Ah don't bother, I was just kidding. Aren't you gonna introduce me to this gorgeous friend of yours?
Mia: You're such a flirt.
Budi: Hehe I can't help it..
Mia: So this is Jenny, my cousin.
Budi: Hi, nice to meet you.
Jenny: nice to meet you too.

A: Happy birthday, Mrs. Wellington. Here is a little present from all of us
B: Thank you very much, it's so kind of you
A: We wish you all the best for the future, Mrs. Wellington. We hope you like our present
B: Don't worry about that

Example 2
Ben : “Happy Birthday Ann”
Ann : “Thanks, Ben. Do you always remember my birthday?”
Ben : “Sure I do, what if I treat you for dinner tonight?”
Ann : “It sounds good. Sure I will.”
Ben : “Great. I’ll pick you up at seven p.m.”
Ann : “Okay. See you tonight Ben.”
Ben : “See you.”

C. Percakapan Ucapan Selamat Atas Prestasi Keberhasilan

Contoh 1:
A: Congratulations, Susan! I heard that you are getting a job promotion and will be placed in New York. Is that true?
B: Yes, it is true. I am very happy and can't wait to move to New York
A: You are a very lucky person. I am sure you will be successful there.
B: Thanks, James.

Contoh 2:
A: Congratulations, Bobby
B: What for?
A: For your graduation.
A: I met your parents at the market, and they told me about it. It's so happy for you. I hope you will become successful architect.
B: Thank you very much, Gina

Ican : “Hello, jacky ! I am so happy to day.”
Jacky : “What is it going on, friend?”
Ican : “It is about Rose. She accepted me as her boyfriend.”
Jacky : “Well, that’s great! Congratulation, man.”
Ican : “Thanks!”
Video Percakapan Selamat

Example 3
Mr. Smith : “Hello, Honey. I got a good news for you. Do you want to hear it?”
Mrs. Smith : “Sure, What is it?”
Mr. Smith : “I got a promotion. My boss said that he is going to promote me as the manager soon.”
Mrs. Smith : “Oh dear. What a good news. Congratulation honey! I am so glad to hear that.”
Mrs. Smith : “Thanks baby.”

Bagaimana, cukup lengkap sudah bukan? Itulah yang bisa kita pelajari lagi mengenai ucapan selamat. Tentu nanti akan kita lengkapi lagi dengan contoh lainnya.

Lain waktu akan kita tambah lagi dengan yang lebih lengkap. Siapa tahu ada yang membutuhkan yang sudah ada arti atau terjemahannya sekaligus. Nanti kita usahakan. 

Kumpulan Contoh Percakapan Ucapan Selamat – Expression of Congratulation Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: siti