Friday, June 3, 2022

Contoh Dialog Expressing Certainty & Uncertainty

Expressing of Certainty & Uncertainty adalah salah satu tema pembahasan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Dalam tema atau materi tersebut pelajar atau siswa akan diajak untuk belajar bagaimana mengungkapkan kepastian dan ketidakpastian.

Gambar Expressing Certainty & Uncertainty

Pertama, di sekolah jelas akan dijelaskan mengenai apa yang dimaksud dengan "certainty" dan juga "uncertainty". Di kelas biasanya akan dijelaskan panjang lebar mengenai pengertian dan juga contohnya sekaligus.

Kemudian, untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap materi tersebut, siswa akan diarahkan untuk membuat atau mencari dialog yang berisi certainty dan uncertainty.

Untuk melengkapi bahan belajar di rumah, maka kita akan bahas beberapa contoh percakapan atau dialog tentang materi tersebut.

Bahasan kali ini adalah tentang Expressing of Certainty & Uncertainty. Rekan semua mungkin sudah tahu teori dalam mengekspresikan Certainty and Uncertainty dalam bahasa inggris tapi tidak ada salahnya sedikit review tentang teorinya. Berikut teori Expressing of Certainty & Uncertainty serta contohnya.

1) Ungkapan Certainty Uncertainty

Certainty is the state of being completely confident or having no doubt about something. However, uncertainty is when nothing is ever decided or sure.

Expressing certainty
When you are sure that something will or will not happen in the future, use these expressions.

For example to the question:
"Will John pass the exam?"
you may respond as follows:
absolutely sure
quite sure
he will.
of course.


absolutely sure
quite sure
he won't.
definitely not.
certainly not.
of course not.
Expressing uncertainty

When you are not sure whether something or someone will or will not happen, use the following expressions.

For example, to the question:
"Will John follow a career in business?"
you may respond as follows:

it's possible,
it's impossible,
it might be,
it might not be,
it could happen,
I suppose,

I wouldn't like to say for certain.
I'm not sure
I doubt it.
I have my own doubts.
it's doubtful.
It's highly / very unlikely.
you never know of course,
no one can know for certain.
I can't tell you for sure.

2) Contoh Dialog Percakapan Expressing Certainty & Uncertainty

Dialogue 1
Peter : Are you sure air pollution is more dangerous for the children?
Jim : Yes, I'm quite sure. It causes the illness for them.

Dialogue 2
Anne : Are you sure all the garbage is easy to destroy?
Marry : No, I doubt about it. The garbage like plastics is difficult to destroy

Dialogue 3
Tamrin : Hey, don’t you know that we have a school bus now?
Firman : Are you certain?
Tamrin : Yes, of course. The headmaster himself told me.

Dialogue 4
Mini : I heard, our classroom will be renovated in the next view days.
Nur : Are you sure?
Mini : Well, I can’t tell you for sure. I think we should ask our teacher.

Dialogue 5
Jalal : What do you think we should give Arni as her birthday present?
Rusli : A doll, I think
Jalal : Are you sure?
Rusli : Yes, certainly. As far as I know, she likes doll.
Jalal : Well, it is possible I suppose, but I doubt it.
Rusli : So, what do you think?
Jalal : Why don’t we buy her a wristwatch?
Rusli : I don’t think so. It’s too expensive.
Jalal : You are right, but we can collect the money.
Rusli : Still, I doubt it. I’m broke now. I don’t think I can get enough moneywithin this week.
Jalal : Well, doubt isn’t going to do anything. I can lend you the money if you want.
Rusli : Really?
Jalal : Certainly.
Rusli : Thank you very much.
Jalal : Don’t mention it.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Arti

Itulah tadi bahasan lengkap mengenai Expressing Of Certainty & Uncertainty beserta beberapa contoh penerapannya. Silahkan lihat topik lainnya di Some Expressions In EnglishJangan lupa juga untuk membaca beberapa contoh percakapan lain yang sudah disediakan dibagian akhir pembahasan.


Contoh Dialog Expressing Certainty & Uncertainty Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Mandes