Saturday, May 18, 2019

Contoh Teks Descriptive Giraffes Singkat

Contoh Teks Descriptive "Giraffes". Untuk mempelajari lebih dalam mengenai teks descriptive yang telah kita bahas sebelumnya berikut contoh lain teks descriptive yang berjudul "Giraffes". Sudah tahu artinya bukan?
Contoh Teks Descriptive "Giraffes"
Ya. Hewan atau binatang yang akan kita gambarkan atau kita jelaskan kali ini adalah hewan berleher panjang. Benar sekali, jerapah. Sudah bisa dibayangkan bagaimana bentuk hewan tersebut?

Ya. Melalui teks deskripsi bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai hewan unik dan menarik itu. Kita akan mendeskripsikan hewan tersebut agar orang bisa mengenalnya.

Seperti apa, bagaimana caranya membuat teks seperti ini? Dari pada bingung lebih baik kita lihat contohnya di bawah ini. 

Contoh Descriptive Text

Giraffes are one of the world's tallest mammals. They are well known for their long necks, long legs, and spotted patterns. Giraffes have small "horns" or knobs on top of their heads that grow to be about five inches long. These knobs are used to protect the head in fights.

Male giraffes are larger than females. Males weigh between 2,400 and 3,000 pounds and stand up to 19 feet tall! Female giraffes weigh between 1,600 and 2,600 pounds and grow to be 16 feet tall. Giraffe populations are relatively stable. Healthy giraffes live about 25 years in the wild.

Giraffes can be found in central, eastern and southern Africa. Giraffes live in the savannas of Africa, where they roam freely among the tall trees, arid land, dense forests and open plains.

Their long necks help giraffes eat leaves from tall trees, typically acacia trees. If they need to, giraffes can go for several days without water. Instead of drinking, giraffes stay hydrated by the moisture from leaves.

Giraffes are non-territorial, social animals. They travel in large herds that are not organized in any way. Herds may consist of any combination of sexes or ages.

Female giraffes typically give birth to one calf after a fifteen-month gestation period. During the first week of its life, the mother carefully guards her calf. Young giraffes are very vulnerable and cannot defend themselves. While mothers feed, the young are kept in small nursery groups.

Giraffes are hunted for their meat, coat and tails. The tail is prized for good luck bracelets, fly whisks and string for sewing beads. The coat is used for shield coverings. Habitat destruction and fragmentation are also threats to giraffe populations.


Ternyata, kalau hanya seperti itu sih saya bisa membuatnya sendiri. Mungkin terlihat kalimat seperti itu di benak anda semua. Ya memang demikian. Tidak sesulit yang kita bayangkan.

Makanya kita memang harus rajin membaca. Tidak perlu ini itu, sekedar membaca contoh-contoh seperti ini saja sudah bagus kok.

Apalagi kita bisa mengupas lebih dalam mengenai Contoh Teks Descriptive Giraffes di atas. Pasti akan lebih banyak yang bisa kita dapat. Ya sudah. Sementara itu saja dulu, silahkan lanjutkan lagi.


Contoh Teks Descriptive Giraffes Singkat Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Mandes