Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Teks Narrative Timun Emas Singkat

Contoh lain teks narrative yang bisa dipelajari selain contoh teks narrative "The Bear and the Rabbit" adalah "Timun Mas". Contoh narrative ini menceritakan tentang timun mas, selengkapnya silahkan baca narrative text tersebut.

Di sekolah kita memang belajar juga mengenai teks ini. Tentu di kelas kita sudah mendapatkan penjelasan yang memadai mengenai materi ini. Di rumah, tugas kita untuk mendalaminya.

Agar lebih paham lagi maka ada baiknya kita perbanyak mempelajari contohnya. Banyak kok cerita yang bisa dijadikan teks ini. 

Salah satunya adalah perseteruan antara putri semata wayang dengan raksasa dalam kisah ini. Pasti bagus ceritanya. Tapi yang terpenting adalah teksnya. Yuk kita pelajari langsung.

Timun Emas
Teks Narrative

One night, while they werepraying, Buto Ijo a giant with supranatural powers passed their house. He heard they pray. "Don't worry farmers. I can give you a child. 

But you have to give me that child when she is 17 years old," said Buto Ijo. The farmers were so happy. They did not think about the risk of losing their child letter and agree to take the offer. 

Later, Buto Ijo gave them a bunch of cucumber seeds. The farmers planted them carefully. Then the seeds changed into plants. No longer after that, a big golden cucumber grew from plants. 

After it had ripe, the farmers picked and cut it. They were very surprised to see beautiful girl inside the cucumber. 

They named her Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber. Years passed by and Timun Mas has changed into a beautiful girl. On her 17th birthday, Timun Mas was very happy.

However, the parents were very sad. They knew they had to keep their promise to Buto Ijo the giant but they also did not want to lose their beloved daughter. 

"My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant," said father. "What do you mean, Father? I don't understand," said Timun Mas.

Right after that, Buto Ijo came into their house. "Run Timun Mas. Save your life!" said the mother. Buto ijo was angry. 

He knew the farmers wanted to break their promise. He chased Timun Mas away. Buto Ijo was getting closer and closer. 

Timun Mas then opened the bag and threw a handful of salt. It became sea. Buto Ijo had to swim to cross the sea. 

Later, Timun Mas threw some chilly. It became a jungle with trees. The trees had sharp thorns so they hurt Buto Ijo. However, he was still able to chase Timun Mas. 

Timun Mas took her third magic stuff. It was cucumber seeds. She threw them and became cucumber field. But Buto Ijo still could escape from the field. 

Then it was the last magic stuff she had in the bag. It was a shrimp paste or terasi. She threw it and became a big swamp. 

Buto Ijo was still trying to swim the swamp but he was very tired. Then he was drowning and died. Timun Mas then immediately went home. The farmers were so happy that they finally together again.

The End

Demikianlah tadi cerita narrative timun mas dalam bahasa Inggris yang sudah kita baca. Tugas kita selanjutnya adalah mempelajari unsur-unsur bahasa yang ada dalam teks tersebut.

Bisa mulai dengan mengartikan atau membuat terjemahan dari kisah di atas. Setelah itu bisa dilanjutkan dengan memahami kata sulit.

Dan, yang tak kalah penting adalah mempelajari tata bahasa secara keseluruhan agar kita bisa membuat teks serupa. Ya sudah, sekarang giliran teman-teman semua. Silahkan dilanjutkan.

Teks Narrative Timun Emas Singkat Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Mandes